Wine Basics – Decanting Wine
For red wine lovers, there's nothing quite like the taste of a well-aged vintage. But if you're not careful, all that flavour can be quickly ruined by oxygen exposure. Decanting red wine is an important step in the enjoyment of any wine’s flavour and aroma, but it is often a mystery as to how to decant correctly.
The process of decanting red wine allows oxygen to interact with the wine, helping to soften tannins and release volatile compounds that contribute to the wine's qualities. Oxygenation also helps to break down sediment that can accumulate in red wine during storage. Decanting red wine also allows you to pour it without disturbing sediment that has settled at the bottom of the bottle, making for a cleaner glass of wine.
Decanting can be done in six easy steps:
- Get a decanter or other clean vessel to pour the wine into
- Open the wine, making sure the bottle is clean by wiping the bottle neck
- Put your wine in front of a light source such as a torch or lighter – this allows you to see the sediment and finish pouring before it all goes into the decanter
- Slowly pour the wine into your decanter or vessel at a slight angle so the wine doesn’t splash
- Stop pouring once the sediment reaches the neck of the bottle
- Allow the wine to sit for at least 30 minutes to allow the wine to aerate and let any remaining sediment settle to the bottom – keep in mind the sitting time is a personal preference, or if you’re impatient and want to get into the wine, and can differ between wine varietals
Check out three of Grand Cru's best-selling decanters:

Now it is time to enjoy your freshly-decanted wine!
As a result, decanting red wine can help improve its flavour and aroma, making the drinking experience more enjoyable. Discover the best way to store your wine with Grand Cru, Australia’s premier provider of wine enjoyment solutions.